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members area

Friends of a Gay Museum in Berlin

The non-profit association Verein der Freundinnen und Freunde eines Schwulen Museums in Berlin e.V.  (Friends of a Gay Museum in Berlin) is responsible for the Schwules Museum. The association was founded on 6 December 1985, is registered with the number VR 8397 Nz at the Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg and is a recognized non-profit according to §§ 51 ff of the German tax code.

Membership meeting

Membership meetings of the association and the communication surrounding the membership happen in german. Please consult the german version of this page for up to date information.

Postal Adress

Schwules Museum
Lützowstraße 73
10785 Berlin

General Information

Tel.: +49 (0)30 69 59 90 50
Fax: +49 (0)30 61 20 22 89