23.06.2023 – 18.09.2023
Opening: 22.06.2023
Adults only (18+)!
Curators: Utopia/Dystopia (Todd & Zoya.)
This exhibition fills a gap in the Schwules Museum’s program. It began in a realm of absence, a lull we lean into to create space for the pleasures, pains and politics of having time. Challenging the notion that productivity and activity are the only measures of value, _Gap invites visitors to embrace the potential of idleness and contemplation. As such, it conjures the aesthetics and politics of restfulness, even as it queries who has the time for sleep and leisure. This _Gap is an intermission: an opportunity to slow down, introspect, and engage with dormancy as a sphere of possibility and an occasion of abundance. The exhibition is developed in friendship, by and for a pace of leisure, exploring the foggy architectures and unsettled repose of shared dreamscapes. It invites visitors into an ephemeral viewing space designed to maximize comfort and relaxation. A curated selection of films and audio recordings engaging with dreams and nightmares, rest and unrest, play on a four-hour loop, allowing visitors the opportunity to relax, daydream, sleep and introspect throughout the museum’s opening hours.
plant portals: breath (Nicky Chue, 2020, 4 Mins) – ) – runs till 23.07.
R: Rest (April Lin 林森, 2019, 13 Mins)
al-Manam [The Dream] (Mohamad Malas, 1987, 45 Mins)
Honey and Glitter (Marit Östberg, 2019, 16 Mins)
Ayɛwohomumɔ [You Have Made Yourself Wretched] (Nnenna Onuoha, 2018, 13 Mins)
Inside Out (Manon Praline, 2022, 10 Mins)
Hak Untuk Malas [The Right to Do Nothing] (Riar Rizaldi, 2021, 49 Mins)
Nova Dubai (Gustavo Vinagre Alves, 2014, 50 Mins)
Content Note
The video program is suitable for visitors 18 years and older. Some videos contain stroboscopic effects. One video work shows suicide. In one video people talk about sexual assault. Some of the videos are pornographic. Some show BDSM practices (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, Masochism), namely needles, blood, hitting and breath control.
Side Program/ Special Events:
29.06.2023: Artist Talk with Riar Rizaldi. 18.00-20.00. Language: english. Free Admission.
08.07.2023: “The Rest Bath” – A Rest Workshop (for BIPoC). With Isabelle Dikumbi. 14.00-17.00. Language: english. Free Admission. To register for these workshops e-mail fuehrungen@schwulesmuseum.de. Please include a few lines on your position and motivation.
20.07.2023: Meditation Session with Isabelle Dikumbi. 12.00-13.00. Language: english. Free Admission.
05.08.2023: “The Rest Bath” – A Rest Workshop (for Black People). Mit Isabelle Dikumbi. 14.00-17.00. Language: english. Free Admission. To register for these workshops e-mail fuehrungen@schwulesmuseum.de. Please include a few lines on your position and motivation.
10.08.2023: Meditation Session with Isabelle Dikumbi. 12.00-13.00 Uhr. Language: english. Free Admission.
24.08.2023: Meditation Session with Liaam Iman. 12.00-13.00. Language: english. Free Admission.
Image: Hak Untuk Malas [The Right to Do Nothing (2021) – Illustration by Rega Ayundya Putri, Film by Riar Rizaldi