Using the same name as the legendary 1920’s era magazine The Island – The Magazine for the Celibate and Lonely was totally intentional. In 1952, the Stuttgart Island publishers changed the name to The Way to Friendship and Tolerance by court order. Since then, the publication was published for 18 more years until 1970.
In addition to a press review and reports on famous homoeroticists, the publication featured an article by Kurt Hiller titled The Meaning of a Life – in Memory of Magnus Hirschfeld. Quote: “The state has to respect nature instead of creating it as unnatural to defame; To draw the legal humanitarian consequence.” Hiller was a noted writer and pacifist and one for the abolition of Paragraph 175.
The original magazine can be found in the library on the first floor of the Schwules Museum – upon request.
The object of the month will be displayed in a showcase in the library until the end of the month.