Click here to access the interviews (in German).
Oral HIVstory
The project’s goal is to build up a collection of Berlin’s AIDS oral history and present it to the public. The heart of the collection from Berlin are interviews with contemporary witnesses recorded on video and audio, who talk about their different experiences during the AIDS crisis, their life with HIV/AIDS, and their political and social involvment in the field. The collection presents the city’s history: The stories of contemporary witnesses from Berlin paint a vivid picture of the capital’s role as ‚metropole for HIV‘, as trailblazer of health policy during the AIDS crisis, and starting point of translocal and European initiatives. The selection of interview partners should represent the multidimensionality of Berlin’s involvment: Aids self-help, care, sexwork, drug use and drug advice, migration, carceral system, LGBTIQ rights, women’s health, GDR etc.
BAOHS is a cooperation of Schwules Museum and European HIV/AIDS Archive EHAA, which is currently being established at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Click here to access the interviews (in German).