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Obituary: Christian Pulz (1944-2021)

19. April 2021

Last Thursday, on April 15th, 2021, Christian Putz passed away at the age of 76. We, the Schwules Museum, would like to express our condolences. Not even half a year ago, we were able to work with Christian Pulz for the exhibition “Rosarot in Ost-Berlin. Erkämpfte Räume im Umbruch”.

Christian Pulz was one of the outstanding activists in the gay movement in Ost-Berlin. The activist group “Schwule in der Kirche” (Gays in Church), numerous meetings for gays and lesbians in his apartment, support and consultations for other gay men in the GDR and the GDR’s remembrance of the persecution of homosexuals during National-Socialism – all this would have been unthinkable without the effort and commitment of Christian Pulz. After 1989, his will to fight remained untiring: He was a member of the House of Representatives in Berlin, part of the Gay Church Berlin, the remembrance of gays and lesbians in the GDR, their persecution through the State Security Service, and much more.

From the start, we wanted Christian Pulz to be a central part of our exhibition. In preparation, he talked to us very openly, shared his knowledge, granted us access to his private archives, and was always approachable – no matter if we needed help, ideas or any other kind of support. We were lucky and honored to be able to conduct a long interview with him last fall, which is now archived at the Schwules Museum. In this interview, he tells us about the gay movement in the GDR and the role he thought he played. We got to know Christian Pulz during this work as a true activist who experiences joy from thought and debate, and for whom it is only natural to fight injustice. An approachable, kind, open and honest man. In short: an impressive character.

In the name of the Schwules Museum: Lotte Thaa and Birga Meyer, curators of the exhibition “Rosarot in Ost-Berlin”

You can visit the exhibition after the reopening until July 26th, 2021.

Christian Pulz auf der Friedenswerkstatt, 1983 (Foto: Privatarchiv Christian Pulz)