During his internship, Italian comic artist David Pighin initiated an artistic project titled: “Schwules Museum is…”. He approached the museum’s volunteers asking what the museum means to them and what they expect from it. Pighin brought their favourite memories and exhibitions as well as their personal thoughts together to create a “common definition” for the museum.
Pighin added 26 illustrated portraits to the volunteers’ statements. We are going to present them in a small preview as well as in a series of social media posts. The complete project is available for download as a pdf here.
For the very first time, our volunteers – who are involved in every single part of Schwules Museum – are presented prominently and one by one. We’d like to thank them for their support: without them, the museum couldn’t exist and operate. We also want to give the volunteers an opportunity to voice their opinion about the museum. For our house can only exist as a joint vision.
We would also like to thank Davide Pighin for his efforts!