Queering the archive: magazine + archive yearofthewomen.net
In 2018, the Schwules Museum proclaimed the YEAR OF THE WOMEN* and centered (queer) feminist perspectives and positions of women*, lesbians, inter*, non-binary, trans* and agender people throughout the annual programme. It was a groundbreaking project: radically self-critical, many-voiced, complex, fraught with tension, highly controversial, fiercely debated and the most successful programme in the SMU’s long history. Now the full documentation of this unique queer feminist intervention, so important for SMU and the queer community, is available online.
The website is divided into two sections: The detailed archive stores all content produced in the YEAR OF THE WOMEN* – from press releases to exhibition views – , and the magazine explores a meta-level of reflection with currently 39 contributions and space for more. Like the YEAR OF THE WOMEN*, its documentation is also best practice: it shows how digital archiving can be accomplished and, in particular, how exhibition and event programmes and even processes and affects can be archived. At the same time, the magazine is an open and public platform for the processes of negotiation that shape collective memory. We are very pleased to present this groundbreaking project by the artist and curator Vera Hofmann and hope you enjoy exploring it.
Publishers: Vera Hofmann und Schwules Museum
Concepts, editing, implementation: Vera Hofmann
Design and programming: Toni Brell
In the archive: 9 exhibitions and 132 events
Magazine contributions by: Ulrike E. Auga, shofie bahalwan, Krista Beinstein, Giulia Casalini, Luce deLire, Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi, Sanni Est, Komminuτέρας, Lasse Långström, Taey Iohe, Sadie Lune, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, gorjeoux moon, Gisela Notz, Katharina Oguntoye, Marit Östberg, Jamila Prowse, Helena Reckitt, Claudia Reiche, Emilia Roig, Sylvia Sadzinski, A.L. Steiner, Chris. E Vargas, Lorenz Weinberg, Gisela Fux Wolf, Dot Zhihan Jia, and many more
Supported by Stiftung Kunstfonds
Press Images:
These photos are to be used for press purposes only, with complete credits as shown here.