The intercultural youth project “What’s Your Story?” wants to help young queer refugees find their way into our society and culture. Their individual stories will be made visible to a larger public through an exhibition at the Schwules Museum*; the goal is to encourage young people to learn more about solidarity. At the same time, artistic, social and communicative skills are taught, in order to increase future job possibilities and the education of young refugees.
In the first part of the project comic workshops with artist Ali Fitzgerald will be held, offering participants a chance to artistically express their stories and formulate wishes for the future. Together, they will produce a comic zine.
In the second part, they will work on an exhibition with professional curators, called “What’s Your Story.” In doing so, the participants will learn more about working in a museum, enabling them to include their own narratives. They will develop an exhibition about the representation of their own perspectives and visions, at the same time offering them the museum as a social space to make new contacts.
Finally, workshops will help visitors and other young people understand the situation of refugees, putting special emphasis on topics such as flight and migration, gender and identity. By using the medium comic, we hope to make these topics more easily accessible.
This project is a cooperation of the Schwules Museum*, artist Ali Fitzgerald, Jugend im Museum and the queer shelter of the Schwulenberatung Berlin. It is supported by the Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung Fördersäule 1.
Concept: Uta Stapf (Schwules Museum*), Ali Fitzgerald (artist/ workshop organisation), Sandra Ortmann (Jugend im Museum e.V.), queere shelter Treptow of the Schwulenberatung Berlin (Christoph Mann) Applicant: Freundinnen und Freunde des Schwulen Museums* and Jugend im Museum e.V.