Book presentation & discussion
The authors Heinz-Jürgen Voss, Zülfukar Çetin, as well as Jule Govrin will present their new books and discuss how sexual and post-secular politics, plus homophobic and racist politics intertwine and inspire one another today.
The publications are: Zülfukar Çetin & Heinz-Jürgen Voss‘ “Schwule Sichtbarkeit – Schwule Identität. Kritische Perspektiven” (Gay Visibility – Gay Identity. Critical Perspectives). And Jule Jakob Govrin‘s “Sex, Gott und Kapital. Houellebecqs Unterwerfung zwischen neoreaktionärer Rhetorik und postsäkularen Politiken” (Sex, God, and Capital. Houellebecq’s Submission Between Neo-Reactionary Rhetoric and Post-Secular Politics).
We will ensure that the event is accessible for English and German speaking visitors.
Free entrance; donations welcome.