Guided tour
A free guided tour through the Encantadas: Transcendental Brazilian Art exhibition in English spoken language.
Encantadas describes the search for original Latin American identities by a young collective with three Brazilian trans curators. A TRANSÄLIEN, Sanni Est and Ué Prazeres present seven artists from the north and northeast of Brazil whose works and narratives of life revolve around mystical cosmovisions. Their audiovisual artworks, sculptures and multimedia installations create an animated space. The play of light and shadow and the use of plants and soil awaken all the visitors’ senses and embody a collective strength.
With works from Aoruaura, Borblue, Rastros de Dyógenes, Porca Flor, Sy Gomes, Daniel Lie, Jonas Van
A registration is not necessary. The number of participantes is currently limited to ten people. Please fill the contact tracking list at the cash desk. Participation is for free, only the entrance in the SMU itself has to be paid. The event happens in English. Participation is only possible with a medical mask.
Photo: Linga Acácio