During this event, we will present the short documentary “Fernández Pratsch” (2020) directed by Emilio Spampinato. The film about Serafín Fernández and his husband Michael Pratsch has received numerous awards in different queer festivals during these past months. The testimony of Serafín encapsulates his life story and perspective as a Spaniard in Germany. After screening the documentary, Serafín will guide us around the objects he lent to the exhibition “Ocaña. Der Engel, der in der Qual singt”. Serafín has been a volunteer at the Schwules Museum for more than 10 years.
The event will be held in German spoken language. Entrance: 4€. Please wear a medical mask.
“Fernández Pratsch” (2020), directed by Emiliano Spampinato. Language: in Spanish with German subtitles. Duration: 29 minutes.