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Guided tour for blind and visually impaired people: Queering The Crip, Cripping The Queer in the Schwules Museum Berlin

23. April 2023 15:00

In this two-hour guided tour, different chapters of the exhibition are presented, ranging from ideals of beauty in antiquity to today’s activism of disabled and queer people. Image descriptions of selected works of art give an impression of the motifs and themes of the artists. The description is supported by tactile models, e.g. from a black and white photograph by Joey Solomon, which is also shown on the exhibition poster. The artist is shown shirtless, in an intimate gesture with his boyfriend in a wheelchair.

“Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer” is the first international exhibition to present the historical, cultural and political intersections of queerness and disability. The exhibition questions the fantasy of the ideal body with artworks by 24 international contemporary artists. In a creative juxtaposition of historical objects on the one hand and current drawings, paintings, photographs, performance videos and audio works, the curators Birgit Bosold, Kate Brehme and Kenny Fries show how queer/disabled artists appropriate history(s) with pride and empowerment.


The exhibition has a floor guidance system, a tactile floor plan and listening stations.


A registration is not necessary. Participation is free of charge, you only have to pay for admission to the museum itself.


Do you need assistance to get here? We will be happy to pick you up from the nearest bus or subway station or welcome  you at the museum entrance. Please send an email to fuehrungen@schwulesmuseum.de as early as possible and make an appointment.


Information about the exhibition, opening times, barriers and how to get there can be found on this barrier-free website. The audio guide for an independent visit, which can be listened to with your own smartphone, computer or on site with a loaner, can also be found there.