The Schwules Museum is once again one of 75 museums taking part in the much-anticipated Lange Nacht der Museen. Our exhibitions will be open and there will be several public tours of our exhibitions, including of course the legendary Tuntenführung by Gaby Tupper. But our archive, where many rare treasures and hidden stories are stored, can also be visited on this night. Staff will give an exclusive tour of the premises and share their knowledge about the archive and the museum’s collecting practices.
Guided tours of the exhibitions and the archive take place every half hour from 6:30 pm to 11 pm.
Our small show program is also something to be proud of! We give the stage to queer performers who celebrate the power and beauty of drag, burlesque and whore culture. Of course, our program is connected to the current exhibition WITH LEGS WIDE OPEN – A WHORE’S RIDE THROUGH HISTORY, which for the first time tells the history and culture of sex work from the perspective of sex workers – curated by a sex worker collective, in constant exchange with the community – a multitude of organizations and self-organized groups that represent the different realities and groupings in sex work.
The Performers
Odisea Rojo is a Sex Worker, Writer and Drag Performer. Multidisciplinary artist, originally from the North of Argentina, at a very young age she migrated to Buenos Aires, where she studied journalism and began her career as a Performer. In 2019, her first literary novel “Diario de una Marica Mala” (Diary of a Bad Sissy) was published in Buenos Aires, her second literary novel “Manifiesto Marica Visible” is out now in all Spain by Levanta Fuego Published from Madrid, 2022. (Performances at 7:45 and 9:45)
Akynos, The Beast of Burlesque, who performs under the stage names The Incredible, Edible Akynos and MF Akynos, is a Jamaican-born, New York City-raised performance artist, dancer, writer, foodie and activist. Raised in Brooklyn, NY, she is currently conquering the stages of Berlin. (Performance at 10:45h)
Lolita Va Voom is an internationally touring burlesque performer, producer and teacher. She has performed on stages all over the world, from San Francisco to Stockholm and many other places. It is her pleasure to bring her unique brand of burlesque to audiences around the world. (Peformances at 8:45 and 10:15)
Turkish Delight – It’s showtime! Drag kings, queers and drag queens are an important part of the queer scene, but also of queer emancipation movements. A drag art show is therefore a must at the Long Night of Museums at Schwules Museum! (Performances at 7:15 and 9:15)
Gaby Tupper has been working in and for Berlin’s queer scene since 1996 as a presenter, performer, city guide, cultural organizer and “community queen” for the Teddy Award, Berliner Aids Hilfe and Schwules Museum, among others. (Tour at 8:00 ad 10:00)
Image: inmensidadesfotografia