Moderation: Dr. Bernd Feuchtner
With his novels and essays Edmund White is one of the most important literary figures of the closing 20th and early 21st century. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1940, White published autobiographical works, biographies of Genet and Proust, and essays reflecting homosexual reality. He lives in New York and teaches creative writing at Princeton University.
Jörn Jacob Rohwer, born 1965 in Rendsburg, Germany, and a writer in his own right, particularly as the author of biographical conversations, contacted White in 2000. The course of these two writers’ lives could hardly be more different, but they share a passion for the (auto)biographical, which is of specific meaning to Rohwer’s latest book, “The Seismography of Questioning” – an extensive collection of conversations with luminaries from the arts,
sciences and society.
About fifteen years after they first met in Paris, the two intellectuals will reunite by invitation of Villa Aurora at Gay Museum Berlin, in an extended conversation about life, scripts and mutual friends.
A program of Villa Aurora in cooperation with Schwules Museum Berlin
With support of Bruno Gmünder Verlag and Salis Verlag
Admission: 6,- € / 4,- €