Fans are driven by their love and passion for their favorite games. Yasmina Banaszczuk (freelance journalist and author) talks about the good, the exciting, and the ugly sides of the (un)reciprocated love between fans and games.
From naughty fanfiction to declarations of love on reddit to online harassment campaigns: gaming fans and their communities incorporate extremes like hardly any other fandom. But is that which unites them really love and passion for a game or something else? How much projection is in our emotion, how much love is in hate? Using understandable and personal examples, gaming fandoms are being discussed and dissected, answering the question: What can we really learn from gaming communities’ love and passion – not least about ourselves?
Yasmina Banaszczuk ist freie Journalistin und Autorin in Berlin. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Communitys, Netz- und Popkultur und ist begeisterte Gamerin. Aktuell spielt sie Apex Legends, Anthem und Civilization VI.
This event is in special connection with the community section of the Rainbow Arcade exhibition. The event will be held in German.