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Offener Info-Abend: Ehrenamt

14. January 2025 17:00

The Gay Museum could not exist without the commitment of volunteer: the entire operation of the museum is supported almost exclusively by them. This underlines the immense importance and responsibility that volunteers have. Volunteers perform immeasurably important community work and are a central component of Berlin’s queer community.

The SMU’s volunteer team is made up of over 70 people of all ages and genders! Whether you are new to Berlin or spending your retirement in the cultural capital: volunteering at the Schwules Museum can offer everyone a meaningful activity with a connection to Berlin’s queer communities.

Would you like to volunteer at a queer institution? Every second Tuesday of the month, we will inform you about possible volunteer positions in the areas of café, supervision, reception and event support. We will talk about the SMU as such, our staff structures, available areas of responsibility and all procedures.

The information evening starts at 5 pm and runs until 7 pm. The meeting point is the museum café. All inputs will be held in German spoken language. It is not necessary to register in advance – just come along and have a look! After the events, anyone interested can arrange a trial shift on site.

Further information about volunteering in the archive and library, as well as downloads for all volunteer positions, can be found here.


Graphic: mino Künze