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Queer Kitchen: The Processes of Opening Lesbian and Women’s Spaces for Trans*

6. November 2016 19:00


As a part of our „Queer Kitchen“ series, and in light of current events, the TransInterQueer e.V. and the Schwules Museum* will host a discussion on the topic of Trans* inclusive spaces. Lesbenberatung, Wildwasser (requested), and the Schwules Museum* among others, will be present to contribute.

The discussion will begin with some short film selections („Sense8“, „Transparent“, „Herstory“) and will be followed by a discussion session on lesbian and trans* identities in a majority “cis” lesbian community. Afterwards, our guests will discuss the development of their “spaces,” which over time have developed into places that also include trans* people.
How were these opening processes brought about? How did they avoid conflicts? Above all how do trans* people, who live and work as a part of these spaces, perceive and understand these openings?

Sunday November 6th, 6:30pm in the Schwules Museum* Café. Free entry.

We try to make sure that german and english native speakers alike can attend our event.
