Queer Kitchen is happy to welcome Emre Busse and Aykan Safoğlu for our next event. Emre and Aykan are the curators of „ğ – the soft g“, a new exhibition on the politics of queer transcultural arts that opens on March 2nd at Schwules Museum*. We are looking forward to a curtors’ guided tour through the exhibition with them. Afterwards there will be time for drinks and chats in the kitchen.
Every first sunday of the month the café of the Schwule Museum* turns into a space for the queer and lgbti communities in Berlin: “Queer Kitchen”. With different presenters, alternating topics and free snacks we want to discuss current problems and conflicts in our communities, as well as encourage exchange about our desires and utopias. Where do we stand, for what do we fight, how do we live? – and moreover: What´s next?