As 3D representations of spaces become more and more commonplace, how will they affect history, storytelling, and archival practices? The artist Benjamin Busch uses the technique of 3D scanning as a practice to document queer history(s) of Berlin, both recording them as digital spaces and claiming their status as historical places in (the city’s) history. With the interactive website of his project “Scanning the Horizon”, Busch makes both archival and documentary processes as well as the locations themselves accessible to the public. In addition to presenting the project, Busch, in cooperation with the Schwules Museum Berlin, invites you to a panel discussion with representatives of the spaces.
The project is made possible with funds from the Berlin Senate Department for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination (Micro-projects on LGBTI History), BPA// Berlin program for artists and in cooperation with the Bezirksamt Schöneberg.
The event will be in German. Entrance: 4€. Please bring proof of vaccination or recovery.