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The Rest Bath – A Rest Workshop for Black People

5. August 2023 14:00

What would your life look like if your body and mind were deeply rested?
How would you tend to yourself, your loved ones, your tasks?

Difficult questions to answer.

Because structures of overworking, social media addiction, and fast paced grind culture are holding us in a state of constantly being active, constantly having to produce, being too exhausted to even feel what we really want and need. Rest is a revolutionary act and therefore a political tool to counteract the systems that make us believe we are only worthy when achieving something, making us feel guilty for taking a time out, to rest. Slowing down means to reconnect with ourselves and allows us to feel a greater sense of stability, peace and clarity in all aspects of our life. Resting is a portal for healing and self-connection – available to all. Inspired by Audre Lorde, Tricia Hersey, Tracee Stanley-Newell and many more, Isabelle Dikumbi has created “The Rest Bath.”

THE REST BATH is a workshop to let yourself be soothed by slowness and ease. Here, you will receive impulses and inspiration for creating your own rest practices as we indulge in breathing, soft movement, and visualization. You are also free to do nothing at all, or simply nap. A space to slow down and reconnect with your soul rhythm. Taking a bath in the softness of just being.

The workshop language is English. Duration: 2PM – 5 PM. Admission: free

To register for these workshops e-mail fuehrungen@schwulesmuseum.de. Please include a few lines on your position and motivation.

Isabelle Dikumbi is a Black Yoga Teacher living in Berlin. She researches in healing and health, learning Traditional Chinese Medicine, plant medicine, massage and is also a singer and musician, exploring the healing power of sound and music. Her mission is to remind us that resources of healing and health are already abundant inside of us, available to all as guides for reclaiming the power of our own bodies and well-being. Isabelle teaches regular Vinyasa Yoga classes, Restorative Yoga, workshops on the power of the voice, and practices of Rest in Berlin. She also Co-Created the BIPOC Yoga Retreat, “Nourish your Soul” in Germany.
Find her on here in Instagram.

Image: Schwules Museum