Unfortunately, the Schwules Museum will also be closed from 13th March. We follow the recommendation of the senate administration of Berlin. This measure is valid at least until 19th April and is intended to help to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. The event “The State of Queer Studies” will be cancelled. Please take care of each other and yourselves.
Your Schwules Museum
This round table discusses the current state of Queer Studies in and beyond German-speaking academia: What are the aims and risks involved in the institutionalization of Queer Studies / Queer Anthropology? How do we connect with each other in a political climate, in which right-wing populists agitate against Gender Studies programmes and discredit the work many of us do? Guests: Beater Binder, Mike Laufenberg, Omar Kasmani and Tunay Altay.
Free entrance for the participants of the conference.