ğ – the soft g
Queer forms migrate
Runtime: March 03, 2017 – May 29, 2017
Curators: Emre Busse and Aykan Safoğlu
Exhibition Design: Philip Wiegard
Including work by: Aykan Safoğlu, Ayşe Erkmen, Cihangir Gümüştürkmen, Erinç Seymen, Hasan Aksaygın, Masist Gül presented by Banu Cennetoğlu and Philippine Hoegen, Mehtap Baydu, Ming Wong, Nilbar Güreş, Taner Ceylan, Viron Erol Vert, Yeşim Akdeniz
Opening: November 02, 2017, 7 pm
Press Tour: November 01, 2017, 11 am
The group exhibition “ğ – the soft g” at Schwules Museum* brings together works that follow artistic migration in various directions and explore the transcultural exchange of LGBTIQ* people between Turkey and Germany, Berlin and Istanbul for the first time in Germany. This Berlin queer migrant state of mind is illustrated by Emre Busse and Aykan Safoğlu by the Turkish letter ğ, or “the soft g” in English. Busse and Safoğlu are from Istanbul, both interested in queer migration, marginalized sexual identities and body politics in their artistic and curatorial practices.
„ğ – das weiche g“ is supported by unterstützt vom Regierenden Bürgermeister von Berlin – Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten.
The press photos can be used exclusively to report on the exhibition „ğ – das weiche g – Queere Formen migrieren“, credits included.
Dr. Kevin Clarke / Jan Schnorrenberg
Press Department
Tel.: +49 (0)30 69 59 92 52