The urge for movement shaped her life. Petra Gall was born 1955 in the Saarland-Area, studied history, politics and Slavic Studies in Konstanz and moved to West-Berlin in 1981. The photography she taught herself – so well, that soon taz, Zitty and Courage became aware of her. In the 80s and 90s Petra Gall photographed primarily Berlin’s woman’s and lesbian scene. Later she concentrated on her passion, riding her motor cycle. She produced tour-reports from all around the world.
In 2012 Petra Galls collection was transferred to the Schwules Museum, six years before her death. The three objects of the month, which are displayed at the museum’s café, show the start of her career in 1982: Her first lesbian calendar, which she produced under the pseudonym Petra Panther; a postcard that says ”Die Zukunft ist weiblich” (”the future is female”) from an early series of postcards; and the first issue of the woman-picture-magazine “ATROPiN”, where she was part of the editorial team.