1990 will go down as a strange year in the great ‘Berlin history book’: The formally still divided city explored itself. Until 3 October 1990, West Berlin is part of the FRG with special Allied status and East Berlin is still the capital of the GDR. Berlin hangs somewhere between the systems – a year of self-empowerment, the collapse of certainties and state structures in the eastern part, the upheaval of material livelihoods.
A health system collapses and a new one is not yet in sight. In the midst of this is an HIV epidemic, which in 1990 inevitably ends deadly for those affected. The drugs for survival come on the market six years later. Which images of HIV/Aids dominated the political systems of the FRG and the GDR during the Wende? Which communities and which medicine were confronted with each other? Who beats the beat and who dances?
In the context of the exhibition Tuntenhaus Forellenhof 1990, the short summer of gay communism and the Fast Track City Berlin Week 2022, we will try to approach the year 1990 in this event. We have invited guests to Checkpoint BLN (Hermannstr. 256, 12049 Berlin):
Moderation: Christoph Weber (Medical Director Checkpoint BLN)
Guests: Dirk Ludigs (journalist), Priv.-Doz. Keikawus Arasteh (former chief physician of the AVK), Rainer Herrn (sociologist, medical historian) – tbc -, Carsten Schatz (politician, LINKE), Jochen Hick (director, filmmaker), Bastian Krondorfer (curator of the exhibition and ex-Tuntenhaustunte),
Bar: Miss Pünktchen (ex-Tuntenhaustunte)
The event is free of cost.