It is a well-known fact that superheroes and heroines look pretty hot in their spandex outfits. They are super fit, they can fly, and they premanently grab each other crotches. No wonder that comic fans have long fantasized how it would be to have sex with Wonder Woman, Batman or Robin, or how it would be if they had sex with each other.
There is fan art based on these scenarios, and they have also inspired the porn industry. There are countless – sometimes very bizarre – porn movies featuring famous superheroes. Most of them are made for the mainstream hetero-market. But there are also many examples how LGBTI producers have tried to create their own versions with a smaller budget and give the topic a notably queer twist.
During this event, independend film producer Frank C. Marx, an independend film producer, will talk about the different artistic and erotic encounters of the LGBTI porn industry with superhero characters. He will bring along film clips and illustrate what developments can be noted in the past years. An especially funny example will be the cartoon “Nooky Man”: a superhero generates his superpowers from sperm, which is why he has constant anal intercourse. (One has to see this movie to believe what is happening.)
Also, computer designer Antonio Rodriguez will explain how he managed to create a “penis software” which allows people to add cocks to their animated characters. He helped artist Joe Phillips create his classic “Stonewall & Riot” movie, which will be shown in excerpts that night.
The discussion will be led by Dr. Kevin Clarke, author of the bestseller “Porn: From Andy Warhol to X-Tube” and one of the curators of last year’s exhibition “Porn That Way.”
Because of the sexual content, the event is 18+.
4 Euro entrance (exhibitions are not included in the price)